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What Causes Chronic Fatigue?

What Causes Chronic Fatigue?

A typical day living with chronic fatigue involves symptoms like mental fogginess and aches and pains throughout the body. Here are some of the most likely causes of your long-term exhaustion.

Chronic fatigue is a debilitating condition that makes it difficult for you to concentrate and be productive. It often comes with aches and pains which aren’t easy to manage on your own. In fact, chronic fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome requires personalized care from a pain management specialist.

Here at the office of Jelena Petkovic, PAC, MMS, DHSc, in Miami, Florida, you can get integrative care for chronic fatigue that doesn’t just mask the symptoms using medication. In fact, the wellness therapies available at our practice improve your overall health in addition to helping you manage your symptoms.

Recognizing the causes of chronic fatigue can help you better understand your condition and manage it more effectively. Here are the factors that can cause chronic fatigue or exacerbate your symptoms:
Physical health influences your energy

Conditions that affect your health physically can cause symptoms of exhaustion that last for longer than six months, which places them in the chronic fatigue category. There are numerous infections and other diseases associated with chronic fatigue, including:

  •     Viral infections
  •     Fibromyalgia
  •     Chronic kidney disease
  •     Heart disease
  •     Sleep apnea

Chronic fatigue can influence your sleep cycle and drain your energy.

A possible result of mental trauma

Chronic fatigue can be the result of long-term conditions affecting your mental health. The emotional stress of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and bipolar disorder can all lead to chronic fatigue symptoms.

Chronic fatigue syndrome can also influence your mental well-being. In some cases, chronic disease symptoms worsen the mental health symptoms that are already present.

Hormonal fluctuations and imbalances lead to long-term fatigue

Your hormones drive the many processes happening within your body all the time. Even a small imbalance can greatly influence emotional or physical well-being, and chronic fatigue is one possible result.

Living with a hormone condition, like hyperthyroidism or hyperthyroidism, can lead to depleted energy, poor sleep, and other symptoms characteristic of chronic fatigue.

Family links

Experts believe that your genetics can leave you prone to chronic fatigue syndrome because multiple members of a family often develop the condition. While they haven’t identified the exact gene that puts you at risk for chronic disease, there have been studies on twins and other blood relatives in relation to the development of chronic fatigue.

Whether or not you know the underlying cause of your chronic fatigue, getting personalized integrative care can dramatically improve your well-being while living with the condition. Schedule an appointment over the phone or online with chronic fatigue specialist Jelena Petkovic PACMMSDHC today.

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